I am a strong believer that all the children in our community are special and have something to offer and the means to discover their talents is through education. Education provides us with knowledge about the world. It helps create a clear picture of things around, and erases all the confusion. It kindles the flame of curiosity and helps awaken the abilities to question and to reason. Education cultivates us into mature individuals; individuals capable of planning for the future, and taking the right decisions in life. It gives us an insight into living, and teaches us to learn from experience. It makes us self-confident, and develops our abilities to think, analyze, and judge. It forms a support system for one to excel in life. It is the backbone of society.
God created the universe with abundance of natural resources and created man in His own image and told man to have dominion over His creation. Paradoxically, God did not make a house or even a chair for man because it is our responsibility to turn trees into chairs and buildings. As I travel around the world and see other places, I know that our country Nigeria is particularly blessed with an abundance of natural resources – much more than many countries I have visited. The point I want to draw here is that natural resources are passive factors of production; human beings are the active agents who, exploit natural resources, build social, economic and political organization, and carry forward national development. I am a strong believer that the most import task we have in our community in Nigeria today is to develop the skills and knowledge of our young people through education that can be utilized in the development of our community and our nation at large.
Hope International College is a fully accredited private college located in Tongo Gaav, Benue State Nigeria. The college was purchased by Dr. Amos Ajo on July 4, 2016, with official handover to Dr. Ajo on August 24, 2016. The focus of Hope International College is on Science and Technology. Over N60 million Naira has been invested in the development of the academic content as well as other improvements. Dr. Amos Ajo is devoting significant time in the development of the academic content of his college.
Our mission at Hope International College is to be a premiere college in West Africa offering a broad challenging educational program to students from different socioeconomic backgrounds. Hope International College is committed to inspiring students to achieve the highest standards of intellectual and personal development through a stimulating and comprehensive educational learning program – extensively utilizing modern technology. Within a caring, respectful, environment. Hope International College is committed to instilling in each student a desire to learn, to take appropriate risks, and to accept challenges. Hope International College is committed to developing students who are resilient and adaptable, equipped with the knowledge, skills and disposition to continue their education and become personally fulfilled, interdependent, socially responsible adults.